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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Beautiful You - Challenge Your Stash

 Hello again, my friends, This is my second post of the day. I'm playing catch up for May now that June is here. I hope to  be back in my groove as days go on. 

This card is for the Challenge Your Stash group. In this group, we have a hostess each month who posts a theme for us to follow that month and then we use the items that are already in our stash to create a card for the challenge. We are not to buy anything new to use. The month of May our hostess was Vickie Y. Her challenge was to create a card using black and white. It turned out to be pretty easy for me because the designer paper I chose was perfect for the image.

The image and sentiment are from Stampin Up Beautiful You. I used black cardstock for the card base and for the oval mat for the image. The image and sentiments were stamped using Memento Tuxedo Black. The designer paper is from Black Market Ebony and Alabaster. Simple and sweet. No Copics were used in the creation of this card.


  1. Not only is the paper perfect for the challenge, but the stamp is, too! Very elegant!

  2. Fabulous result Maggie - love your final comment too :)

  3. Beautiful card. So elegant


Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your comments. I very much appreciate your time to do so. Have a fabulous day! Hugs!